Tag Archives: limiting beliefs

Beliefs About Love – Audio

This funny, insightful audio teaches how to break out from beliefs that block love. Do your beliefs about love sabotage cupid? The good news is there is enough love for everyone!
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Peace with the Past – Audio

Recorded live at the Betty Ford Center in California. In this revealing hour long talk, Mandy Evans tells the story of her childhood as the daughter of a violent alcoholic father and how she made peace with her own past. During challenging times we form beliefs that we continue to live by without knowing it. Learn how break out from beliefs you adopted in your past that block success and happiness now.
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Choosing Happiness – Audio

Mandy Evans Live at Interface.
This recording includes an overview of the Option Method and rare Option Dialogues with real people working on real issues. Learn how to identify, explore and unravel limiting beliefs. To your happiness!

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Accepting Miracles – MP4 Video

Break out to Miracles! Miracles abound; you just have to learn how to accept them. Recorded live at the Miracles Weekend in San Diego with Joe Vitale. This is the complete one hour talk that brought down the house.
Do not pass by another miracle!



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Emotional Options

Follow this step by step handbook to free yourself from hidden beliefs that block happiness and success. Make healthier choices in life. Dare to reach for what you want — or attract it to you! This workshop-in-a-book shows you how to uncover, explore and discard the self-defeating beliefs that hold you back. When people discover that what they believe is just not true for them, they break out from anger, fear, and doubt that have seemed inevitable — often for years. The result is happiness and the infinite opportunities that await beyond limiting beliefs!

To order “Emotional Options” from Amazon:
Emotional Options Print Version  $11.00
Emotional Options for Kindle $7.00

Travelling Free

How to Recover from the Past by Changing your Beliefs
During painful and challenging times we often form beliefs that block future happiness and success. We continue to live by those limiting beliefs without being aware of it. They lead us down very different paths from the ones we take when we are clearer and happier. Travelling Free is a workshop-in-a-book to help you identify and clear those beliefs, learn how to make better choices and how to tap into your natural desire and creativity.

Recover, flourish and thrive!

Travelling Free gives insight into freedom from victimization through outworn memories–to use your memories without allowing your memories to use you.”  —Deepak Chopra

“A valuable tool for those seeking peace and direction.” —Bernie Siegel

To order “Travelling Free” at Amazon:
Travelling Free Print Version
Travelling Free for Kindle



The Mightiest Motivator

Defying the laws of gravity, they rise up to reach beyond everything they have ever known. Over and over they fall. They rise up again. Eventually they conquer a brave new world.

They set no goals. They require no discipline, adhere to no schedule. Fear of failure, regret, guilt for not practicing enough-these strategies play no part in their game plan or ultimate success.

They are babies. Using the strongest motivation known to human kind, they master the art of walking. How? Why? With what motivation? The answer to all 3 questions is the same. Desire-because they want to.

You want a master class in motivation? Watch babies. Every day they achieve something that was impossible the day before.

Yet all day every day intelligent, well educated people use everything but their natural desire to lead them to what they want. They use misery motivators instead. They withhold happiness from themselves, promising they will never feel good until they get that car or that job, or that first million dollars. They use guilt, regret, shame, anger, punishment, worry, fear and self-loathing to bash, beat and prod themselves and other people through life. Why? In order to achieve goals they hope will make them happy.

Misery motivators achieve miserable results. If that’s not self-defeating, please tell me what is?

Desire is an important element in my books “Emotional Options” and “Travelling Free: How to Recover From the Past by Changing Your Beliefs.” Desire is a strong focus of the “BREAKOUT!” workshop. I even taught a five day seminar, “Desire Marks the Path” in Holland and in Fairfield, IA. The results people get when they turn their attention away from what they are upset about toward what they would like to welcome into their lives thrill me-and them.

Add some might and joy to your motivation. Visit www.mandyevans.com for courses, free belief quizzes and the free article “A Kinder from of Motivation” by Jeffrey Pease.

Here is an excerpt about motivation from “Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness.” Use it to motivate yourself like a big baby.

“We can divide the ways to motivate yourself and others into two basic categories:

Desire and Happiness Need and Un-happiness Motivation with desire and happiness moves things about so quickly that you may not notice it happening.

When we use desire for our motivation, the difference between wanting and attachment becomes clear. Wanting is moving toward and can include happiness. Attachment is often static and requires the feelings of need and sometimes fear, for our very survival. Attachment appears to connect us to the object of our need-as if our fear, our sorrow, our guilt, our experience of need, will bring it to us or keep it escaping. But this does not work very well.

To believe that you need something requires, by definition, that you also believe that you cannot be okay without that something. It may be an experience that you believe you need to have or a material object or goal to achieve.

In this need filled view of reality, if you do not get what you want or reach your goal, that very not getting threatens your well-being, your hopes for happiness, and your ability to be okay. When you use “Need and Un-happiness” in order to help yourself to get what you want, you live in that need and un-happiness. That experience is life extinguishing. The very thing you do to help yourself cripples you. It chokes your life force and creativity.

In contrast, the experience of “Happiness and Desire” is life enhancing. It allows happiness now. It fosters a sense of being okay and feeling good. It simply acknowledges that something more or something different would be welcome.

Years ago, I visited a garden with a statue of a particularly jolly Buddha. Inscribed beneath it were the words, “Misunderstood desire is the cause of all suffering.” Misunderstood desire. At last it made sense!

We have all heard the familiar quote, “Desire is the cause of all suffering.” I had often wondered how someone as wise as Buddha could have thought that. How could desire ever cause suffering? Attachment and “misunderstood desire” do that. Perhaps some Puritan ethics got mixed up with Buddha’s wisdom.

Wanting something, coupled with the belief that you cannot have it, or that you are foolish to want it, can cause some powerful suffering. But not desire alone. Desire, imagination, creation, anticipation-that stuff is all fun.

Desire functions as an inner sense of direction. It may be all we will ever need to know to guide us through life-to learn all that we need to know, to show up where we need to be. At least I cannot think of a more reliable guide. What else is there-someone else’s desire? Somebody else’s idea about what you should do? Your desire, your awareness of what you welcome offers the best compass for finding your way through the mystery of life that I have found so far. This system of navigation pretty much eliminates regret and guilt. It also banishes the temptation to try to make anyone else suffer.

When you follow your conscious desire as an inner sense of direction, correcting your course as you go, all you have to do when you want a change is ask yourself, “What do I welcome now? Where shall I go from here?”

You can skip that part about feeling bad, worrying that you will never change, blaming someone else for your predicament. You can bypass the frantic search for a new game plan before you even know what game you want to play.”

From “Emotional Options” by Mandy Evans

As my friend success coach, Michael Neill says in his happily helpful book, “You Can Have What You Want” **Happiness Leads to Success more often that success leads to happiness.**

Wishing you mighty motivation, love, happiness and many blessings.


Copyright Mandy Evans 2007
Permission granted to reprint with author credit and website link, www.MandyEvans.com
Speaker, Seminar Leader

Dare to Face the Empty Place

“It’s like you’re swinging through the jungle,” she said. “You swing along from vine to vine and then you can’t reach the next one.” You have to swing out farther than you ever have and let go or just hang on, swinging back and forth, back and forth until you’re exhausted.

One of the exquisite benefits of my work is sharing people’s beliefs, hopes, dreams, wisdom and insight in such profoundly intimate ways. The quote above came from someone in a private session.

When you let go of the vine, sometimes you cannot even see the next one. You face the empty place.

When a relationship ends, a loved one dies, a job is lost, a game plan heads south, a dream turn to dust — it’s easy to grab on to something, anything, to avoid facing the empty place.

If a fine new vine presents itself, hooray! Grab on and keep swinging through this beautiful jungle called life.

But what about when you can’t see a new opportunity yet? Or you reach for a new vine and miss? Like a student in a workshop who told us that she had expended vast amounts of energy and money in endeavors that were doomed to fail, over and over again.

She became aware that she had believed she could not endure living without a game plan. So she never assessed her chances for success. She never even thought about it. For her any game plan, even one that had no chance had seemed better than none at all. She had not know how to find or challenge that limiting belief.

Who, for example, has not watched with concern as a loved one clutches at the slimmest hope of a relationship to avoid being alone? Have you done that too? I sure have.

How many of us have faced the prospect of a job ending before another materializes with fear and dread?

All you see, all you feel is the empty place.

The sages, through the ages tell us to be still and wait.

Everything else (the media, our friends, the popular values in society) tells us that we are in big trouble!

You know that saying that nature abhors a vacuum? The last time I entered the empty space to see what nature had to offer, within a week I can felt a new sense of freedom, space and possibility — a sweet free-floating sensation. I began to feel a new sense of direction.  Then I began to create again.

If you are between vines, I’d love to hear from you. We can be still and wait together, though sometimes it only takes a few minutes!

As you wait, you can focus on what you know you welcome, what you would like to attract to you or move toward.

For me it is:

* Opportunities beyond my wildest imaginings to love, and be useful in ways that in utilize my skills, talents and insights well.

* I want to have a lot of fun and be very happy.

* I would like to connect with amazing people who also want to fill the world with love, joy, generosity of spirit and abundance for all.

Wishing you great happiness, success and wonderful new opportunities to fill your empty places.

The Freedom Within: Creative Thought Magazine

Ernest Holmes said it. So did Christ. Word now travels through the American Medical Association via such messengers as doctors Bernie Seigel in “Love, Medicine, and Miracles” and Deepak Chopra in his exciting book, “Quantum Healing.” The message remains simple: consciousness precedes form; what you think and how you feel influence what happens to you.

Yet, the frantic struggle to maneuver circumstances into position so that we can, at last, enjoy our lives, persists. It gains momentum. As the “spiritual materialism” of the 1980’s yields to the “techniques for consciousness” of today, we remain reluctant to look within, beyond our limiting beliefs, for freedom, truth and happiness. We choose what Krishnamurti called “a revolution within the prison” instead. Why is inner freedom so often the last freedom we seek when it is the only freedom we really control? We defend our rights to be miserable and to blame our spouses, employers, politicians for our anger, frustration, guilt and sorrow… not to mention parents, fellow drivers and the I.R.S. The right to unhappiness is definitely inalienable.

We struggle to get the right job, the right car, the perfect image – or, on other levels, the right teacher or belief-system – even the right consciousness in order to deserve happiness. Then we refuse to be happy, as if misery were free, but happiness came with a price tag. We scoff at the notion of premature joy. Be happy before I lose weight? Who wants to get caught fat and happy? Feel good before I get a raise? Why would I want to be content, underpaid and taken advantage of like this? Lighten up before I find Mr./Ms. Right? Are you crazy? I’m single!

We act as if feeling good now would stand in the way of getting what we want, dooming us to lives of mediocrity. And yet, emotion plays a vital role in manifestation. If you examine your own life, you may find that you achieved your best results when you felt great, not when you were disgruntled.

For example, a young opera singer I know became so angry and resentful about waiting on tables to support her studies that she not only ruined her tips, she nearly crushed the life out of her dream. Her faith in anger dissolved when she realized that exuberance at work could not harm her; it would nourish, not diminish her desire to perform. She invested the extra money from better tips in more voice coaching and a better accompanist. Within the year, she debuted with the New York City Opera in Lincoln Center.

The miracle accessible to us all is that we can be happier now, even before we fix all of the things we believe are wrong with us and our world. The suggestion is not that we suppress our feelings or that there is one best way to feel, but that, no matter what challenges we face, we always have the right to choose our feelings and our own unique experience of life.

© Mandy Evans. Permission to reprint granted with author credit and link to this website.

50 Beliefs About Money Quiz

How Many Hold You Back?

What you believe about money plays a leading role in your level of prosperity and happiness. But the vast majority of us never think about our beliefs at all. We just act on them, live by them and are often bewildered and upset with the results.

These are actual beliefs about money from real people, in my workshops and classes. Some of them are familiar and some so unique that they seem strange. They can cut off the flow of money or slow it to a trickle. The very same belief that helps one person to thrive may hold someone else in poverty or despair.

Which ones hold you back?

1. Money is the root of all evil. (The actual quote is “The love of money is the root of all evil.”)

2. I don’t deserve to have a lot of money.

3. He (she) doesn’t deserve to have a lot of money.

4. There is not enough money to go around.

5. If I have a little more than I need to get by, someone else has to go without.

6. If I am successful, people will hate me.

7. It is better to take less than to be responsible for someone else’s hardship.

8. Democrats punish the rich.

9. Republicans punish the poor.

10. If I make a lot of money, I will be betraying my father who never made much money.

11. The rich get richer.

12. The poor get poorer.

13. I am smart and talented; I should get more!

14. You should always use money well.

15. Money is hard to deal with.

16. Money is hard to get.

17. You have to work hard to get it

18. To save money you have to do without things.

19. Time is money.

20. I can’t have money and free time.

21. Money is not spiritual.

22. You have to do lots of things you don’t like in order to have money.

23. I do not have enough to share or give away.

24. Accepting money obligates me.

25. It is better to take less than my due and be free from sticky situations.

26. To be a valuable person, I have to work more for less money than other people do.

27. Having money stops you from being happy.

28. Money spoils you.

29. I will never have enough.

30. If I don’t feel bad about past mistakes and afraid about the future I will make the same mistakes again. (From an investment broker)

31. It’s best if I just want enough to get by.

32. You get what you deserve.

33. Being super conscious about every single penny is the good, the right thing to do.

34. Never buy anything that you don’t need.

35. If you were a smart woman you would be supporting yourself easily by now.

36. If you were a smart and cute woman you would have married someone with money by now.

37. I always rent; owning a house would be too scary.

38. I would never feel secure if I had to be responsible for much more than a hammock.

39. I have to own my own home to feel secure – unless I had at least maybe a yacht.

40. Worrying about money is tacky.

41. If I make a million dollars, I might lose it and then I would feel stupid and hate myself forever.

42. I want to have a lot of money when I get old, then people will be nice to me.

43. I never want people to know I have so much money because people are really mean to rich people.

44. If I get paid a lot people will find out that I am a fraud.

45. Daddy will like me better if I don’t spend much.

46. Everybody wants more; when it comes to money, more less is better. In other words, it’s best to the most poor of all.

47. There’s somebody else inside me that spends all of my money.

48.  I spend money on something that breaks I’m stupid.

49. f I had lots of money, I could buy a beautiful, hot sports car. Then I could get a beautiful, hot woman – then I could finally relax and forget about the whole thing, you know. I could just be happy.

50. It’s not fair that those people have so much more money that I do.

Different beliefs limit different people.If you checked any of these beliefs, go though them one by one to see if they block prosperity, happiness or success in your life. Answer these three questions about each limiting belief, especially #3.

1.) Why do I believe that?

2.) Is it true?

3.) What might I be concerned would happen if I did not believe that?

When you find out a limiting belief you hold is simply not true, celebrate your breakout! I would love to hear what you find. Send me an email at http://mandyevans.com/contact.